What Will Happen Next…
- 1: You should get an email receipt from Paypal for your order
- 2: As soon as your order ships you should receive another email from Paypal with your tracking info (Most orders ship within 1-2 business day, but often times goes out same day)
- 3: If you need any other help you can reach me at support (at) eco88brands.com
How to Get More ECO 88 Brands For Free…
- 1: Invite a few of your friends (max 5) to try ECO 88 Brands (MPP’d) in their home for 30 days at no cost.
- 2: Below you’ll find a url to share with them. You can email, Facebook message, or any even text them the link.
- 3: All the need to do is go to the page and enter who referred them (your name), and their shipping info (I just ask that they help me cover the shipping cost of $9.95).
- 4: If they decide to keep MPP’d after the 30 days, they don’t need to do anything and I’ll bill them for the $37.
- 5: If they don’t love MPP’d, all they have to do is email me to let me know, I’ll never bill them, there is nothing to return, AND I’ll return their $9.95 s&h.
- YOUR BONUS: When they decide to keep the product, I’ll send you a free quart of MPP’d and even cover the shipping just for helping to spread the word.
Once again, “Welcome to the MPP’d Family!”
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